Popularne sposoby zabezpieczenia metalu przed korozją

Jest zagrożeniem dla metalowych przedmiotów. Co pewien czas powoduje, iż stalowa powierzchnia wymaga renowacji i zabezpieczenia. Mowa o rdzy, która przybiera formę brązowego nalotu. Z punktu widzenia chemicznego to warstwa tlenków, wodorotlenków, soli żelaza, soli magnezu czy wapnia. Powstaje w wyniku rdzewienia, tj. rodzaju korozji – procesu polegającego na niszczeniu metalowej powierzchni pod wpływem czynników […]

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  • What exactly is a domain name?

    A domain is a specific string of characters unique to a website. It’s used to easily and conveniently direct users to that site and provides a simpler alternative to the more complex internet protocol address. Image Credit How do domain names work? All websites are associated with an internet protocol address, which comprises a long […]

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  • Data reveals high dissatisfaction with mobile ads

    Millward Brown’s AdReaction study reveals that consumer attitudes towards mobile marketing are not very positive and that companies have the opportunity to improve the way they interact with consumers Globally, less than a quarter (23%) of smartphone users and 29% of tablet users show a favorable attitude toward mobile ads, compared to 36% for online […]

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  • The world is already multi-screen

    To better understand how the multi-screen revolution is changing everyday life, Google has commissioned two global studies, “Connected Consumer” with TNS and “Our Mobile Planet” with Ipsos to explore various aspects of multi-screen life and conclude that in the world Multi-screen is already here.

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