How to achieve business excellence through effective feedback
Obtain information by means other than what extent what we are doing is getting the desired results, the famous feedback, it is essential to learn and improve. But as negative may be the lack of it as excessive.
Of course we can always on our own criteria and obtain an assessment of our work. And so many people with a self-taught method can attain advanced knowledge in different subjects. But if we have the feedback from an expert with the ability to communicate effectively, we can greatly accelerate learning and reach new heights of refinement.
Giving feedback is essential
Giving and receiving feedback is not an easy task. It is productive when we have succeeded in establishing a trusting relationship first. If the person receiving advice or information not trusts who offers it will not accept help. If giving feedback does not know a detail to the target person you will not be able to translate its recommendations so that they can be understood by this. As a leader you’ve probably found in situations where a person was receptive to your advice and others that these were more or less explicitly rejected. And to give feedback is intended to help improve someone else it can also be frustrated by good intentions we have.
When headed a team giving feedback is essential. We have on the one hand to help improve outcomes to meet the objectives, and on the other to correct errors. We can fall into the well-intentioned temptation to correct and evaluate everything we see improvement. However, it is important to be prudent in the amount of correction that we offer to our employees. On the one hand, people are intolerant to corrections, and easily think that our idea is what counts deaf to the advice. In addition, there are things you only learn by experience. Furthermore, the ability to process advice is limited by the ability of individual learning: if I get too many corrections I cannot process will block and the result is the desired one.
Effectively giving feedback
To give effective feedback must adapt to each person and take into account two fundamental aspects:
- Before you can give feedback we need to establish a relationship of trust with the other person
- Valuing and moderate correction mode, focusing on the most important aspects
We can introduce some elements in our team that will help receive feedback be seen as something natural:
- Establish an evaluation system parameterized performance with a series of pre-established criteria
- Set reasonable goals immediate term, and short, medium and long term.
- Establish a healthy competitive environment in which continuous improvement is sought.
- Openly compare the results of the team members, not to elevate the best, but to seek excellence and improve outcomes for all.
Praise and praise: Dangerous errors
In the process of giving feedback we can divert to other related fields, which can be confusing, but have little to do: flattery or praise.
Flatter has fundamentally aim to please someone. If you lack confidence, which receives the praise may think there is something hidden behind, we have some objective veiled, and can lead to distrust and discomfort.
Praise not has a direct target for improvement. Used to praise the qualities or performance of someone. In my opinion also they should be used very sparingly. In enterprises are frequently used, especially in celebrations of successes. The comparative grievances are served and jealousies are fed dangerously.
Personally I am not very fond of celebrations to elevate those who have generated better results; always an unfair situation is rewarded. Sometimes the person winning is the most easy I had it, and there are others that have left the skin with much greater merit. The successes are rarely appreciated to a person or department, but are due to a much broader set of circumstances:
- The sage controls without authority, and teaches without words. It lets all things rise and fall. Nourishes, but does not interfere.
- Sage is not kind; treat all people fairly.
- No honest praising the deception is avoided. No estimating how rare theft is prevented.
- Praise and blame cause anxiety, since you expect or receive or lose fear.
Do you give feedback in a planned way and within an established model, or you dedicate yourself to apportion praise, praise and reprimands?
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