Marketing Strategies: How to attract clients in times of crisis
Starting from the fact that each company is a particular world, the speaker develops the guidelines that have led us to where we are and which can alleviate this situation. “It is necessary to consider a process of reflection to know what has happened and how to solve it”,
from this process of reflection we have some essential performance rules in the current situation:
- Nobody knows what the crisis will last so you have to keep your cool.
- If everyone talks about crisis, the media sells us crisis and companies assume that we are in crisis, the crisis becomes real and grows with our fear. We must avoid letting ourselves be carried away by fear.
- Contemplate the mistakes made, interpret them and not fall back into them.
- It is essential to study the market, know the future forecasts of our company in a reliable way and work on long-term projects without letting ourselves be carried away by the anxiety of the present.
- After the market analysis, act with a head. Demonstrate the managerial and analytical capacity in the management of our company without precipitation and with security.
- You have to make decisions, but not any hasty decision that implies future repentance.
- Do not get carried away by the easy way (price reduction), policies that are not always effective and can be harmful in the long term.
- Negotiate everything negotiable. It is preferable to negotiate very hard with the supplier than to negotiate layoffs with employees.
- Reduce costs. Yes, but with a head. You have to consider the costs and learn to dispense with what is really expendable (logistics issues that can be outsourced, administration …) before sacrificing basic tools for the company such as marketing or attracting customers.
- Learn to sacrifice what is not basic to our business strategy. Normally a few clients occupy most of the turnover of a company, you have to take care of those important customers even in spite of sacrificing other minors.
Basic rules to take on the situation in which we live and to be able to ask ourselves which solutions are the most appropriate for our problem. Juan Carlos Alcaide says that now new opportunities arise, “Blue Oceans” in which to start a new activity without competition. To survive in this cycle in which we currently have to live, the speaker develops several ideas as solutions and tips to resurface between the current situation of fall:
- Look for our Blue Ocean, that gap in the market that is not stained by the blood of sharks that fight for their piece of market. You have to dare to be different, offer something different from the rest.
- “It is the moment of the cobbler cobbler!”, Now these little ideas that previously seemed to have no space reappear. It is time to take advantage of those gaps that remain. If people can not buy cars, maybe now they need a 24-hour workshop, if people do not buy shoes, they will need someone to fix the ones they have …
- Search for lost customers. Many customers now rethink the products they have available and look for new offers that give them something different, added values.
- Dare to be the only one in a category. Sometimes many ideas are dismissed by the lack of models, it’s time to bet on being the first in a category, find that gap without competition and start from scratch.
- Differentiation, if your product does not come out, create a friendly brand as a complement and reinforcement of your activity. As an example we have the multitude of white brands in all types of products that now invade the market.
- Price management , you have to know how to use them, make up the sales with elements such as promotions or discounts, never reduce them drastically without justification.
- Protect important customers, loyalty to those essential although this means sacrificing others less important.
- Verify collections procedures. Charge for everything you do, if you need to make up our previously free services with new values that represent a need for the customer and a cost associated with them.
- ” Package prices “, products and service. If we can not sell our products, let’s add an extra that makes the difference.
Juan Carlos Alcaide makes it clear in his talk that each company must apply its own rules in the game, knowing that we must escape the general trend of “as there are fewer customers, there is less income, less budget and therefore less investment which translates into fewer customers … “The whiff that bites the tail, you have to learn to manage budgets to eliminate costs rather than eliminate investments that are necessary such as marketing and training.
Our clients have to know that we are there, that they can count on us and for that we must be present. It is also essential to train our employees to properly manage the situation, specialized training to handle the crisis. If our budgets do not allow us to disburse other stages of greater capacity, look for new channels to transmit our ideas.
The typology of the client has changed and now we need to be always there and for that Alcaide proposes us solutions:
- Radical, direct, forceful marketing and promoting what would be called Marketing 2.0 , where the client can have access to everything he wants to know about us.
- Radical transparency . Demonstrate that you can trust us, that there is nothing hidden behind our company or product, be clear and above all transparent to our potential customers.
- Promote the “member gets member”. Convince our customers and get them to bring other customers to us, viral marketing.
- Promote Public Relations. Create relationships with the client, any excuse is good to keep the thread with the client. You have to be clear that “Silence that you do not fill, it will fill another cheaper one”.
- Who endures wins! Enduring is a trade and demonstrates our strength, capacity and security in ourselves, something that is transmitted to our customers and allows us to survive in difficult times.
As a complement to the conference, an interview was held with the speaker in which he develops specific topics of the treaties in the act in a more specific way. If you want to expand this information or have the interview, more images or the video of the conference, do not hesitate to contact me, from IDE-CESEM we will be happy to collaborate as much as possible.
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