Social Shopping. E-commerce and Online Marketing
The Social shopping is presented as a boost e – commerce online where users, customers and consumers recommend and value products such collaborative operation follows the patterns of traditional and social networks where everyone can participate and contribute their opinions and criteria. In this case, the Social Shopping uses this model to present the information of the most relevant products and have information shared by the experience of other users “consumers”.
The new era of social commerce is presented at a time when marketing it faces new concepts, trends and challenges. According to a Nielsen global study, 78% of consumers trust the mouth-mouth more than any other form of advertising. Trust is undoubtedly the key word for the success of ” Buzz Marketing “. This is the sensation that is transmitted from the opinion or impression about a recommended product that comes from close or familiar people. Therefore, it is also noteworthy that 61% of respondents take into account the assessments, opinions and recommendations made by other users and consumers through this type of networks, forums, blogs and other publications of the network.
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