Attention businessmen and managers! Reinvent or die
If you analyze each of the words in this document you will suddenly feel that you have found the key you were looking for. The key that will give you the results you want to obtain. You are smart enough to know how long the successful growth of a company lasts. Is it a matter of good luck? Or maybe it’s the bet of being able to make brave decisions and, above all, to do things differently.
We continue to believe that our success is guaranteed by current sales and profits, but it is clear that the successes of the past will not guarantee profitability in the future and less how the business will develop in the coming years. Does it make sense to value growing in these times? Those companies that implement innovative marketing and sales strategies where the customer is the main objective and also with a long-term commitment will grow in the coming years more than those companies that continue to bet on products and services.
Smarter companies focus on those customers that generate the benefits, promote or eliminate those that do not add value. What is certain is that in most cases the solution is to reinvent our business models by creating new links with our customers. Redefine our value propositions and establish personalized marketing and sales strategies depending on the segment of the client that we attack. If each client is different, why do we insist on treating him in the same way? If each segment is different, why do we apply the same strategies to one and to others? If you want your company to grow profitably and sustainably and that a sense of wonder awakens the interest of your clients, redefine your value proposition towards them. The solution:
An innovative approach as a marketing strategy
When was the last time you felt incredibly well when you felt that your sales were growing and your company was profitable? Strategic marketing will give you this feeling again. Strategic marketing seeks to know the current and future needs of customers, identify segments or market niches, assess the potential and interest of those markets, develop new concepts of products / services, diversification of the company’s product portfolio, finding a lasting competitive advantage and designing a marketing strategy for each business unit.
Strategic marketing is essential so that the company can, not only survive, but position itself in a prominent place in the future. Strategic marketing, together with a sales force and efficient commercial systems, is the perfect equation to achieve extraordinary results and high performance companies. Most of the current markets, especially those where Valencian SMEs have a greater presence, are characterized by a high degree of saturation and their limits of action are clearly defined. The rules of the competitive game are known by all. There is an alternative to the situation described. Imagine yourself in the future creating a new space where you can compete and detect new marketing markets, thus making the competition irrelevant. For it,
In this way, a competitive price could be applied without reducing the income statement, thus ensuring the viability of the business in the new market. To begin to redefine the main elements for the creation of new markets, it is necessary to ask four key questions that question the strategic logic of the business model of a company:
- What variables that the company takes for granted should be eliminated?
- What variables should be reduced well below the company’s standard?
- What variables should be increased well above the company’s standard?
- What variables should be created because the sector has never offered them?
By exploring beyond the conventional boundaries of competition, it would not be incredible if you could make strategic moves to discover new spaces and increase sales. You can definitely escape from the frontal competition and increase your profit and loss account in new sectors.
Your future depends to a large extent on answering some of these key issues:
- What is your reference market and what is the strategic mission of your company in that market?
- In the reference markets, what is the diversity of products – markets and what are the positions that can be adopted?
- By product – market What are the strengths of your company, its weaknesses and the type of existing advantage?
- How to translate the selected strategic objectives at the level of each of the operational marketing variables: product, price, distribution and promotion?
In short, today the way to understand the competitiveness and the future of companies is the sum of three factors: strategy, innovation and marketing and effective sales, constituting everything else a cost.
Innovative model within the commercial strategy focused on the client (“clienting”)
Would not it be great if your sales started to grow? Selling today is not easy Do you still think that selling now depends on wearing a good suit, a nice catalog and being nice? In the past it could be a good formula. Things have changed radically. Today the client is more demanding, is better informed and has the necessary influence to evaluate his proposal and opt for other alternatives if he is not convinced by what his commercial network suggests. Today, our sales forces are still more aware of the product or service than to investigate and discover the real needs and problems of customers. This way of selling is obsolete and belongs to the past. In this sense we have to be realistic, the seller does not inquire because he does not know many times how to inquire to know the problems in depth of the client; The customer is not always willing to answer the seller’s questions and, finally, the seller rarely asks adequately. The sales force is one of the vital pillars of any company. It depends on it that commercial strategies are translated into results. Without sales it is impossible to obtain benefits and without benefits it is impossible for there to be a company Have you ever thought about the following questions ?: It depends on it that commercial strategies are translated into results. Without sales it is impossible to obtain benefits and without benefits it is impossible for there to be a company Have you ever thought about the following questions ?: It depends on it that commercial strategies are translated into results. Without sales it is impossible to obtain benefits and without benefits it is impossible for there to be a company Have you ever thought about the following questions ?:
- Do you know how many commercial resources should be allocated to each area or commercial channel to make the commercial model really efficient?
- Do you know which clients should be managed by each commercial resource, zone or channel to make the commercial model really efficient?
- Can your visits and business contacts be improved?
- Do you have established commercial objectives balanced to the Potential and Competitive Intensity of each zone or segment?
- Do you analyze the processes of customer acquisition and loss in your company?
- Does your company have a methodology for recovering lost customers?
- Does your commercial network place emphasis on cross-selling?
In the ultra-competitive scenario in which we operate, it is necessary to have an adequate Commercial Plan personalized by area, type of commercial and market situation, which brings out the best of each commercial resource. How to get the best out of each commercial resource? To get the best out of each commercial resource, your company can bet on training and professionalizing its sales force based on a customer focus or it can continue to do things the old-fashioned way. In this sense, the sales force of many companies currently bases their effort on an egocentric approach:
- I forget the real problems of my client and talk about the characteristics and / or benefits of the product or service.
- The needs and / or desires of the clients are presupposed without going into detail.
- We do not inquire adequately to obtain quality information that allows us to successfully argue in our sales processes.
- The appropriate communication channel (verbal strategies to reduce resistance) used by our client is not used.
If you want to increase sales and obtain extraordinary results, your commercial resources must have a “CLIENTING” APPROACH. In conclusion, if you want your company to grow profitably and sustainably in the coming months, we suggest you develop the following strategies: client approach; segmentation strategies – new business models; systematize business processes; optimize and professionalize the sales force; abandon short-term strategies and assess the “Long Term”.
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