Ireland sees increased demand for PV installation
With electricity bills rising and fears mounting over the future of fossil fuels and oil, many more people are turning to green and clean energy resources such as the sun.
Harnessing power from the sun, wind or water is seen by many as the way forward to provide households and businesses with their ever-increasing demands for electricity. Besides cutting emissions and providing a safer, cleaner environment for future generations, it can even save you money.
Even better than saving money, you can actually make money from the solar PV panels on your roof or wall by selling any excess electricity back to the grid.
The average house is likely to have 4kW system made up of 16 panels, which will generate about 3,400 units of electricity in a year. The average household uses 3,300 units, which means there are a spare 100 units. If your system is connected to the grid, you will be paid for each unit of electricity generated and the excess electricity that feeds back to the grid. This is tax-free and you may even be eligible for a grant to install the solar panels in the first place.
A ray of sunshine in the Irish economy
Your investment in solar power could also be good for the Irish economy. The Irish Solar Energy Association has argued that solar energy could account for 10 per cent of renewable energy by 2020, create at least 3,000 jobs, and contribute to Ireland’s position as a Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy.
It is also estimated that about 6 per cent of the heating needs of Northern Ireland are now being provided by renewable sources, which exceeded the Executive’s target of 4 per cent.
Save money with solar panels
By putting yourself at the forefront of the changing shift towards renewable energy, you can take advantage of these monetary incentives to install solar panels in Northern Ireland. For further information on the likely savings you can make and the cost of installation, you can contact a specialist company such as http://www.solarpanelni.com/.
The cost of installation can often be recuperated in a few years, and the panels can be installed in even the most remote places. The PV panels need little maintenance, are silent, and are expected to last at least 20 years.
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