Easy Ways to Measure Your Website UX
The digital marketplace is a noisy and competitive place, and providing visitors to your website with a positive user experience (UX) is integral to maintaining a valuable digital presence. Here are six effective ways to track the UX of your website.
Understand How Visitors Interact With and Navigate Your Website
Heatmaps will help you to gain crucial insight into what your visitors are doing when they are on your site. This will show which areas of a page get the most engagement and ensure that your most important pieces of information or calls-to-action (CTAs) are positioned correctly.
Track Time Visitors Spend Filling Out Forms
Forms allow your visitors to sign up to your mailing list, contact your customer service team and obtain quotes. It is therefore crucial to ensure that they are easy to complete. If you are asking for too much information or they take too long to complete, visitors are more likely to abandon them before reaching the end.
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Monitor Customer Questions
If your visitors cannot easily find the information they are looking for, they might contact you via another communication channel. If you find you are receiving many questions through social media or email, this might be an indication that your UX needs some refinement.
Track the Percentage of Visitors Who Complete a Conversion Process or Checkout
Attracting traffic to your website is only half the story, and you should aim to ensure that as many people as possible complete a CTA or convert in the ways you intended.
If you want to work with a professional team in Yorkshire web design agencies are plentiful. Look for an experienced team with a variety of skills, such as the one that can be found here https://www.etempa.co.uk/ to help you develop innovative solutions to enhance your conversion rate.
Check the Load Speed of Your Website
Internet users simply don’t want to have to wait for webpages to load. Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool will highlight which pages are experiencing loading delays and help you to identify the cause.
Collect Customer Feedback
If you have made any recent changes to your website, your customers will most likely have some opinions on the matter. Listening to their feedback will help you to understand whether core features of your site are actually as helpful and valuable in practice as you think they are.
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