How SEO has evolved in 2020
SEO is a field that is always evolving, and a practice that needs constant work. It is no good to hire an SEO company in Belfast, and have them promote your page for a month or two, then let the contract end and forget about promotion. SEO must be conducted in a sustained, regular fashion.
Little and Often
One of the core best practices of SEO is the idea of doing a little bit of promotion every week. But what counts as good marketing? Should you be promoting your website using guest blogging, or would it be better to work on social media? Is mobile king, or should you still be focusing on desktop?
Today, best practices are still focused around things like domain authority, guest blogging, press releases and other ‘slow’ and ‘evergreen’ marketing. Desktop is still king. However, that may soon change.
Will What Worked Today, Work tomorrow?
As we head into 2016, social signals are becoming more and more important. Today, they are a great source of traffic but are not so valuable for SEO. Going in to 2016, the main search engines are pushing to make social media a bigger ranking factor, and something that webmasters should focus on.
Mobiles are becoming more and more important. We have already seen ‘mobilegeddon’, and that was just the beginning of the end for desktop SEO. We can expect to see even more movement towards mobile SEO over the next couple of years. Things like the knowledge graph and Cortana are becoming the main way of people getting information. For looking up quick facts, there’s no need to leave your search app. Companies such as rycoweb are always working on finding new ways to improve the SEO of their clients, and know how important it is to keep track of the changing best practices.
If you want to make sure that your website stays relevant, then having an ongoing SEO strategy is a must. Talk to your web designers and SEO experts today to get some advice about what you should be focusing on, and remember to think long term. Your customers will forget about you if you do not consistently remind them that they exist, and work to provide them with interesting, informative and entertaining content as well as promotional material.
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