What are the most effective techniques to get followers on Facebook and Twitter?
Increasing the number of hardcore loyal to a brand is one of the dreams of all Community Manager. A highly complex task to achieve, in which daily work these online marketing professionals. There is no magic formula to get fans and followers naturally, although useful tips and recommendations.
To do this, Exact Target has collected the opinions of 395 marketers, located in the United States mostly have explained the techniques most often used to enhance the activity of the profiles they manage as well as the valuation in terms of utility and personal experience on each.
Techniques that work best on Facebook
To encourage brand engagement on Facebook and attract new followers, these online marketing professionals committed to:
Include social widgets and Facebook buttons, in order to reap fans, comments and recommendations. It is a way to facilitate interactions used by 76% of marketers. A practice with 46% indicating that gets positive results. 70% also includes these buttons in their actions email marketing and sending newsletters, where 35% say their effectiveness.
58% natural growth commitment on your page, based on keeping your current page and provide content both informative and entertaining. A technique in which the 67% same as highly recommended.
Nothing like and ask directly promote adhesion of the page to the target audience. 57% communicate directly with their customers to invite them to connect with them through Facebook. A practice in which 41% agree get good feedback.
On the other hand, the study highlights a number of unusual techniques, though highly recommended, given its high percentage of effectiveness.
A practice that uses only 39%, but that stands out as very effective (70%) is the fact offer some kind of incentives or rewards in exchange for a I like.
Contrary to what one might expect, it is not necessary to pay for Like, or base the strategy on Facebook only sweepstakes and giveaways. 34% of respondents commitment to customer service and transparency in the management, serving customers via Facebook and publicly responding to your questions and comments. A practice that more than reversed in ERA (69%).
What works best on Twitter?
If our goal is to achieve greater visibility of our brand on Twitter, and increase the community, we can follow the instructions below:
65% add social widgets and Twitter buttons both on your page, and content and newsletters. This increases the visibility of the profile and makes it easier for your target audience. A practice where 4 out of 10 marketers agree that it works.
On the other hand, and as we have seen in Facebook, most appropriate route to attract attention of the target audience and maintain the interest of the community is providing valuable content, creating the need for users to want to receive everything that interests the brand promises to bring. 45% of respondents choose this route, which is positioned as the most effective of all (61%).
Next in order of effectiveness that the brand meets their clients through this social platform (60%). A practice that takes only 27% of marketers.
Users appreciate the fact receive useful information and quality. 22% of these professionals provides information, tips and FAQ’s about their services, obtaining negligible (59%) results.
incentives and promotions in exchange for a tweet also work. Another highly unusual practice (20%), but no less effective (57%).
Therefore, in addition to promotions and various incentives, followers and fans of a brand value still more so the company will listen, to show that is there to serve them and provide them with useful content and quality.
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