Customer service on social networks: What is true?
Customer service through social networks is a tricky subject, where brands do not yet have a well-defined strategy. In order to guarantee customer satisfaction it would be very well to know what their actual demand is. In this regard, the Freshdesk study provides very relevant conclusions. The survey of more than 6,000 customers in 30 countries helps to demystify some beliefs and guide brands on what customers are really expecting.
The mail still works as an online customer service channel. Although many might assume that customers prefer to contact brands through social networks, the figures give a clear advantage to the mail (37%) on those users who prefer to target social channels (12%) for Demand the attention of brands.
Social networks work as a faster channel than the mail when it comes to serving customers. Certainly, the immediacy of social networks is unbeatable. In addition, the brands already have monitoring tools and staff dedicated exclusively to address these types of interactions in the first instance. The attention through social networks is twice as fast as through the mail; Moreover, 30% of the requests registered in Twitter are solved in the first instance. On the other hand, certain shortcomings were detected in the follow-up of these demands by the customers, in addition to 27% of the occasions the management of these was sent to electronic mail.
Customers prefer to talk to brands through Twitter, rather than Facebook. Although brands usually have both channels of communication enabled, 16% of users go to the microblogging network when they need to contact the brand in a fast and direct way. It should be noted that this practice has quadrupled in one year. It is important to note that this type of interactions on Twitter often pick up complaints and criticisms towards the brand or its service, while the comments registered on Facebook (10%) are mainly constructive criticisms and comments with a positive nuance.
To greater channels, better customer service. Definitely true. By increasing contact with the customer, communication and closeness are improved. This will improve your confidence in the company when buying your products, as well as the degree of customer satisfaction. Customers demand effective customer service, and social networks make communication much easier. In addition, they mean a medium that requires little effort and a low cost for customers, who fear the moment when they have to face the terrible “call waiting” when they need some of the brands.
Customers do not expect brands to be perfect, but respond when needed and be able to give an answer to their problems. In addition, they especially value that you provide them with all kinds of information about your product or service, usage tips. Something as simple as the FAQ section or have a forum. According to the study, 35% of companies had a forum, where customers could raise their doubts; Of them, 63% experienced a clear decrease in the volume of calls after implementing this improvement.
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