Advertising and marketing messages need to align with real customer experiences
According to data from a recent study developed by Satmetrix, one in five consumers in the United States says that a bad experience as customers leads them to change brands. This suggests that companies can improve customer retention (as well as its acquisition) if they resign a portion of their advertising budget that improves the user experience, resulting in improvements in the customer experience.
Of the more than 22,000 US consumers interviewed across the country, the study conducted this year by Net Promoter indicates that in 2010, 22% of consumers stopped doing business with a provider because they had a bad experience. It was also found that “word of mouth” among friends or co-workers are the most reliable form of information for consumers when it comes to buying a product or service, surpassing advertising. Most consumers reported that they had actively shared their experiences as clients with others.
Companies expect to invest more than 214.3 billion dollars in advertising this year, but only 4% of Americans trust it as a source of information before choosing a specific product or service.
Instead, the study points out that 83% of consumers trust recommendations that come from independent sources, especially those with whom they have personal relationships, ie family, friends and co-workers.
18% show confidence in reviews of a product or service found in the internet, and 15% in the opinions of other consumers, surpassing in both cases online advertising.
“Companies still have to gain more market knowledge, but current trends such as increased use of social networks and consumer opinion online are more transparent about the real experiences of customers,” said John Abraham , director of Satmetrix. “You can not hide for a longer time behind the bad quality. Advertising and marketing messages need to align with real customer experiences. ”
Interacting with a disinterested or rude employee was cited more frequently (34%) as a reason to defect with a company, while one in five consumers said that it changed due to unexpected charges or fees, or poor service quality.
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