They are not a legend, trolls really exist and are enemies of users and brands
Although it may sound like a Chinese tale, trolls exist, they are those characters that swarm by the Social Media, behind which are hidden people of flesh and blood, with real name and surnames, who act with very bad arts and worst intentions Against a mark, for the purpose of discrediting and unleashing all her anger against her.
Sometimes these beings act motivated in the first instance by a problem with the mark in question, with the intention of claiming their attention and a concrete solution. A punctual action that, poorly managed by the company, can cause their actions to be radical and come to trigger a serious crisis of online reputation. To avoid these situations, the brand must have the necessary resources to manage both the mentions to the brand, as the calls of attention by its customers and a strategy to take care of their reputation online.
Nearly half of the customers want the brand to serve them through social channels, according to NM Incite, even a third of them prefer to use Social Media before using the phone. If customers approach the brand through social networks and do not feel cared for, it increases their degree of dissatisfaction and the situation can degenerate into a serious problem for the brand image.
There are also other of these grotesque whose only purpose is to challenge the good name of the brand, driven by a great eagerness to play a leading role. They enjoy criticizing that mark, the result of an almost sickening fixation, and they feed their pride as their attack gains in repercussion. These kinds of abominable beings only deserve the utmost contempt and be totally ignored. It is best in these cases to implement the well-known phrase “Do not feed the troll.”
But there are still more, friends of hurting their neighbors not only booze with the marks, but especially among the young, make their pinitos in the dark side, lashing out against their closest environment, as can classmates . It could be considered as a variant of “trolling”, known as cyberbulling. According to the latest Trolled Nation Study, published by Knowthenet, 85% of 19-year-old male adolescents have suffered the consequences of these unwarranted online critiques. Facebook is usually the social network where mainly these types of online abuse are collected, 87% of these actions took place in this scenario. A harassment before which only 37% have acted to defend themselves, as it should have been to report this misuse of their platform to the social network. For their part, 17% chose to turn to their parents for support, while only 1% decided to tell their teachers in the first instance. The main reason why these people are not defended is because they consider it useless.
Surprisingly, this type of online bullying has gained ground in the face of bullying. According to the study, 49% of adolescents had suffered this siege via offline, compared to 65% who have experienced it online.
In conclusion, it is advisable to know our rights, to cultivate a correct online presence, to be aware of what is said about us on the internet and, in the face of any comment, inappropriate attack or behavior that violates the rules of social network usage, You can report it directly, through the channels that have enabled it.
How to win the battle against the Trolls
From the beginning you must know how to monitor the situation, control the footsteps of the enemy, the evolution that has caused their actions, you have studied carefully and you have prepared a plan of attack to counter the enemy. Your crisis management plan has to be infallible: you’re going to manage the situation with a lot of left hand, do not shake your nerves of steel.
You know that the only intent of your opponent is hurt , why should not affect you insults or derogatory comments, basically it is inferior beings whose sole intention is to draw attention, get a few moments of glory. You have to know how to differentiate trolls from other types of visitors, whose interventions consist of substantiated complaints, those that deserve your full attention and that you deploy all your means to attend them, since if they do not act correctly, you run the risk of the transfer Delicate line between commentary and bloody criticism. This would cause them to become the most dangerous trolls, because in this case there would be grounds to attack in this way, which would be devastating for your online reputation.
Not a good strategy to root out the trail of the trolls , if you delete your comments can stoke his anger, not project an image of weakness, not publicly prove that affect you. Do not enter the fight melee, in this type of battles there is never a winner, but you can leave seriously injured, always keep the distance, do not lose your composure. You can use as a defense weapon your “Comment Policy”, a page where you collect the basic rules of conduct on your page and make special mention that inappropriate comments will be removed.
Not always the best defense is a good offense, but in these cases, the most sensible option is to not feed your ego, not satisfy their craving for power. It is best to apply the said architectonic: Do not feed the troll. You have to keep in mind that this is a free attack, without foundation, that sooner or later will fall by its own weight.
Do not bother to get into his game, he is hoping it will answer, you throw more fuel on the fire, so you only get to feel more important, and alentarás to follow. Besides, he will not listen to reasons, it is impossible to try to talk to him, it is like doing it with the wall. Your main goal is to do damage, damage your online reputation and feel like a hero for a day.
Call on the power of your allies, members of your community who faithfully follow you, who trust in your brand, since your daily actions have managed to strengthen your online reputation and create a team of loyal followers.
They will act in your defense, they will present battle in the open field by you, they will arrive until the end. It is very important that day to day care of these unconditional followers, feeds their fidelity with special advantages, updated information, direct mention? Keep in mind that they are the pillars of your community.
Prepare a sweet death to your assailant, kill him with good words and a great deal of indifference. Thank him for his interventions with a smile and never give him the opportunity to respond, be sharp but very correct, cut all the avenues of replication, do not throw a response ?? You will feel totally void and will not know how to continue your attack, you will have won.
Remember: reputation is earned, these battles are a litmus test that can help strengthen it or lose it irretrievably. The trolls act a virus, “they have to pass”, nobody knows where they appear and against them there is no vaccine; It depends on the Community Manager that the bacteriological war they provoke has more or less effect and know how to alleviate its sequels. Have you been the victim of some kind of attack by these invaders? How have you fought your battle with them? It narrates next your exploits.
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