SEO and SEM: Search Engine Positioning

SEO and SEM: Search Engine Positioning

Many people wonder what these acronyms mean. What is the difference between a person who is dedicated to SEM and another who is dedicated to SEO? Are they united? Are they complementary or alternative? We will try to clarify these concepts

A good SEO professional can compete from you to you with big companiesLet’s start by defining the basic concepts and thus familiarize ourselves with the terminology

SEM: Search Engine Marketing

SEO: Search Engine Optimization

SEM is a broader concept than SEO since the term encompasses the promotion and promotion of our website in search engines through sponsored links. The SEM positioning is immediate your payments and your website appears as a sponsored link. The clearest example would be Google Adwords

The main concept of SEO is the positioning of your website in the main search engines: Google, Yahoo & MSN. Although SEO covers much less aspects that SEM is much more difficult to position your website in the top positions of search engines using SEO techniques

Internet Marketing: SEM The main objective is to increase the traffic of our website through a detailed study of the client and competitors to promote our website in the main web related to the business of our client. Some important aspects of the campaign are: Pay per link, Email campaign, pay per click campaign, placement of low cost ads, paid directories, etc. This increases the PR (Page Rangking) of our page

Organic search engines: SEO The main objective of the Search Engine Optimization project is to increase the number of visits to our website, positioning the page in the first results of Google, Yahoo and MSN. These three search engines directly or indirectly supply 90% of the search volume.

The main aspects of our SEM campaign are:

– How much money do I have to promote my website
– Google Adwords
– Yahoo Overture
– Espotting
– On what website should I advertise?
– Portals related to my business
– Directories related to my business
– What combination of words should I buy?
– How much do I have to pay for word combinations?
– What text should accompany the purchase of my words?
– In which country do I want my ad to appear
– ROI (return of investmentes): The benefit I get for each euro I invest

Regarding the main aspects of our SEO campaign will come in my next article High and search engine positioning
With these 2 aspects, we improve the way our website interacts with users and search engines, so that the audience you meet can find you and not the other way around.

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