Consumers online: What to learn from your negative reviews and comments?
It often comes to your ears a critique of this or that mark, not in vain, a negative comment causes an impact that is greater than 10 positive. Negative messages spread quickly, and no one remains indifferent to them. What do brands do when they receive these criticisms? How should they act?
There is no greater blind than he who does not want to see. You have to admit a mistake, recognize that you are not perfect, that your company is not the best. Those airs of sufficiency can lead your brand to stay alone, since you think that imperfection has no place among the adjectives that define your company. If you keep thinking like this, without ever admitting a criticism, you will not be able to properly handle a negative comment, and this will have dire consequences for your online reputation:
To bad weather, good face. In the face of criticism, you must maintain your composure and display all your good arts. You can not lose the nerves, nor allow the client to notice your insecurity. The main thing is to face the situation, to take care of the client and solve as far as possible his problem. If you feel that you are listening to him and you take into account his problem, you will already have gained part of the battle.
When the river sounds, water carries. Have you stopped to think that the customer may be right?Surely there may be some detail that has gone unnoticed, an error in sending your order, the amount of the invoice, or that the product has a defect. The first thing is to study the customer’s request, check the information that is provided and verify that it is correct. In case the user is right, you must acknowledge your mistake, correct it as soon as possible and compensate you in any way for the inconvenience caused. This will also help you earn points, in order to retain customer loyalty.
Tell me what you presume and I’ll tell you what your weaknesses are.Your strategy can not focus on speaking solely and exclusively about you, your magnificent company and your extraordinary product. Users get tired of hearing you preach about the virtues of your product, and complain that you ignore their requests. On the contrary, you can listen to their suggestions, find out for their interests, and redirect your strategy towards achieving a greater degree of affinity with them.
Better customer in hand, than one hundred flying. Getting a new customer is up to eight times more expensive than keeping a new one.Therefore, strive to foster the loyalty of your customers. If you have had a problem with them, put all the means to recover it, to get it to stay with you. In most cases it will be very simple, you just have to listen to him, to show him that you are by his side, and that you care about him. Many times the customer only claims your attention, wants to feel important; unfortunately companies lose their users because they are not able to understand it.
Remember, your maxim should be: a review is an opportunity to improve, where a timely response is a victory. Easy and simple, do you use it?
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