Great Social Media Challenges: Empathize with users
Much has rained since you opened your profile in social networks. You already have a certain trajectory, along which you have harvested a notorious amount of Likes, RT, I like and followers of various kinds. However, your level of interaction has not gone from there? It is cold and distant. Therefore, you need to have another type of relationship with your community. In this new year, you have proposed to move on to the next stage, to enter the next level, for which it is essential to generate empathy with your followers …
Content also needs an emotive intent. The content strategy, besides providing value to users, must be able to foster engagement, reach the audience and transmit the values of the brand, in a way that the recipients feel identified with it. The marketing strategy for content that works best is one that gets users to take ownership of the content, make it their own and as such they want to share it with their peers.
Beyond the “I like”. The interaction in Social Media can not be reduced to a click. Your brand should be able to move users to action. Make them take an active part and act on the message. This type of action can range from a simple conversation, through which the followers express their point of view on the subject in particular, to the total implication, which entails the generation of own content and the dissemination of actions, also succeeding in attracting New potential customers.
Show that you really care about your audience. We all know that the main objective of brands is to sell. But there are many ways to get a sale closed. Especially in Social Media, the conversion depends on the degree of affinity between the brand and the customer. Users can not feel identified with a brand that only launches commercial messages, where economic intentionality tarnishes any other type of feeling.
Try to understand them. If you do not know what they are, you will hardly know how to address them. Get on your skin, try to think like them; Feel their same needs, experience their same emotions. To do this, do not hesitate to ask them how they feel, what they think about this or that subject; Even what they expect from the brand.
Listen to the requests of your community. Users are going to 2.0 to contact their favorite brands. Win your deserved position among the elect, proving that you are indeed there, and can count on you. Monitor the conversation, record the requests and find out how satisfied you are with your brand.
Take care of your requests. In addition to listening, you also have to act accordingly. Your followers are there, they direct your requests, they formulate their doubts and suggestions, waiting for you to answer them. When you pronounce yourself, you flee formulations and phrases, show your human side and get beyond the mere exchange of information. It is the perfect opportunity to empathize with your recipient, to get closer to him and show that you are more than a company. Treat him from you to him, Make him feel cared for, that his opinions have value, and that you really care.
In short, connect with your followers. Any time is good to win your audience; Whether on their own initiative, when you create opportunities, in the form of attractive actions, or when it is they who come to you, seeking answers. The important thing is that you act as a person, demonstrating those values that make you special, differentiating you from the rest of the competition.
What are you going to do to fulfill this first purpose of the year? What other goals do you have for 2013 in Social Media? Any time is good to win your audience; Whether on their own initiative, when you create opportunities, in the form of attractive actions, or when it is they who come to you, seeking answers. The important thing is that you act as a person, demonstrating those values that make you special, differentiating you from the rest of the competition.
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