The importance of web design in online business
As a business owner, you’ll be well aware of the importance of a proactive advertising campaign to raise your website’s profile. A well-thought out SEO program, regularly updated social media content and an eagle eye for spotting dead or irrelevant links will have visitors flocking to your website, but that’s not the end of the story.
Your website is the online face of your business, and if it isn’t well-designed, visitors won’t hang around to find out more. In fact, you could be missing out on a ton of sales, just because of basic web design fails, and that defeats the whole point of putting your business online in the first place. So if you suspect that your website could be performing better, here are some points to bear in mind.
Does the site load quickly?
According to Search Engine Journal, Google has been testing page loading speeds across mobile devices, only to discover that some sites can take up to 22 seconds. Yet with more than 50% of visitors abandoning slow-loading sites within just 3 seconds, it’s clear that this results in a huge amount of lost business for the companies concerned.
Try loading your website across a range of devices, and if it’s taking more than three seconds, you need to attack the problem as a matter of urgency. Research suggests that over 60% of visitors that have an unsatisfactory result when they land on a website won’t ever return, so it’s impossible to overstate the importance of your site’s loading time.
Do you have a separate mobile website?
Up until quite recently, new clients were told that they didn’t need two separate sites for desktop and mobile access. Responsive design was the way forwards, offering a website that re-configures itself according to the device displaying it. As a cost-saving device it was impressive – as a money-generating exercise however, rather less so. As the developers at https://www.net9design.com/, a website design company in Gloucester, quickly spotted, no desktop design can ever hope to display satisfactorily on screens that can vary in size from 5 – 32 inches.
People using mobile search want answers on the go, so find out what the most popular searches are, and tailor your website accordingly. Consider it an investment that will pay for itself many times over in the long run.
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