How Garden Improvements Can Add Thousands to Your House Value
In the UK, we have long been obsessed with buying our own property and then with how we can improve and add value to our newly purchased house.
There are several ways to boost the eventual value of your home, and many of these will help you enjoy and make the best of your house whilst you live there yourself.
Property expert Phil Spencer talks about various tips in this article for the Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/property/buying-selling-moving/7906602/Phil-Spencers-top-20-ways-to-add-value-to-your-home.html. But what about the garden? What things really maximise value when it comes to our outside space?
Start Simple
First things first, ensure your garden is tidy and well kept, keeping bushes and trees well pruned and tidy, lawns trimmed and weed-free. Keep on top of weed growth and general tidiness in the garden. Not only does this make your garden a nicer place to be for yourselves, but when selling it can make all the difference to potential buyers.
An Extra Room
Key to getting value for your outside space is ensuring buyers see the area as an extension to the property – a true extra room.
Create entertaining spaces, such as patios and decking to create seating areas filled with outdoor furniture, tables and chairs or benches. You could even consider a permanent barbecue area or even an outdoor pizza oven to enhance that feeling of a truly usable outdoor space.
A Shed at the Bottom of the Garden?
Although it’s a costlier investment, if you have the space, then building a shed, workspace or summer house in your garden can often be seen by potential purchasers as being as good as a small extension or conservatory, but at a lower cost.
If you are looking for garden summer houses in NI, you could consider asking http://www.morrowsectionalbuildings.com/summer_houses for more information.
Water, Water Everywhere
Water in your garden, such as ponds, fountains and bubble water features, will help create a calming tranquil feeling as well as making it a place both you and possible buyers will feel like sitting in.
More and more people are even plumping for more costly items like hot tubs, jet pools or, if there is space, swimming pools. These are more of an investment but will be great for you whilst you are living there and be a big bonus feature when it comes to selling.
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