What type of company would use a Pneumatic Conveying System and Why

What type of company would use a Pneumatic Conveying System and Why

There are several different types of manufacturing companies that would use a Pneumatic Conveying System, some of these are, Chemical Factories, Pet Food Distributors, Food and Beverage manufacturers and those that produce Detergents, Renewables and Specialist materials.  This modern, state-of-the-art Pneumatic conveying system method is not only cost effective, and clean but can transfer bulk loads of granular materials with very little loss.

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Able to be custom designed to integrate around any existing processes these Conveying Systems take up much less room than traditional mechanical systems.  Another benefit of using this more efficient system is that they provide much more flexibility, allowing multiple destination, entrance, and exit points as well as a longer conveying distance. Medical facilities are a major operator that would use a Pneumatic Conveying System to its optimum level.  Infusion pumps, oxygen concentrators, blood analysers, breathable gas delivery applications, wound therapy and anaesthesia devices all incorporate the modern, futuristic pneumatic conveying system.

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Hospitals can save time, money and lives because the clever tube system used in this type of process can carry blood or medication from emergency blood banks to operating theatres, Intensive Care Units and any other medical location very quickly and efficiently.  The lifesaving treatments that the doctors, nurses and surgeons can then deliver are due to the efficiency of the network of pipes and tubes that channel the blood and medication with a mixture of compressed air and a vacuum.

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