The impact of the internet and social media in the tourism and travel sector
The world of social networks has revolutionized many aspects of the daily life of consumers and also of companies of all types of industries and sectors, especially those related to tourism and travel.
To deepen on this aspect, the hotel chain of the United Kingdom “Four Pillars Hotels”, has developed an interesting infographic in which the impact of new technologies, mobile and social networks in this industry is illustrated.
The infographic yields a series of very interesting data. For example the fact that in major cities the volume of Google search of the word “” hotels “has fallen by 70% in the last six years because consumers use more specialized websites such as Kayak, TripAdvisor. or Expedia.
In terms of mobile telephony, the study shows how 85% of idle travelers use their smartphones also outside the country while 30% use mobile applications to find offers and discounts in hotels and 29% use them to find offers in flights.
Social networks have changed the perspective of many travelers, 92% of them say they trust both “earn media” and the recommendations of their friends and family or word of mouth. In second place are the online opinions, in which 70% of consumers trust. 52% of Facebook users say that photos of their friends inspire them when deciding the holiday destination. Such is the influence to which users are subjected, that only 48% remain with the same ideas and plans while 33% after knowing other opinions change their hotel, 7% change the destination, 10% change resort and 5% change even airline.
Regarding these recommendations that travelers hang, as we can see 38% of American users and 64% of non-American users write their experiences on blogs very often. At the time of telling these experiences, 40% of users interviewed published opinions on restaurants where they had eaten, 46% on hotels in which they have been on vacation and 76% post photos of their holidays on the networks social.
What is clear and clear is that both new technologies and social media are being more influential than ever in these sectors. As proof of this, all the interesting data in this illustrated infographic.
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