How to declutter your office
Having a nice and tidy office is essentially for many different reasons. It has an impact on the way in which visitors attending your offices feel about your business and can have an influence on whether they buy your products and services or not as well as having an impact on the way your staff feel about coming to work.
There are many ways in which you can ensure that your office remains clutter free such as using a company Contract Cleaning Tewkesbury to come in and ensure that all of your desks, reception area and other key points in your business are nice and clean. By having a contract cleaner come in regularly you will find that your staff start to naturally clear items away ready for their desk spaces to be cleaned.
In order to get to this point you should make sure that everyone has storage space to keep their personal belongings in whilst at work. For some businesses this may be in the form of staff lockers and for others this could be providing drawer space underneath the desks. You should also make sure that you have enough storage space for work items such as products or files and that these are tidied away at the end of each day.
Operating a clear desk policy can also help with this as you can encourage your staff members to clear their desk surfaces at key points of the day such as before lunch and goin home and after finishing a work project or task. This can also help with staff productivity and concentration levels.
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