A few great examples of Marketing

A few great examples of Marketing

If you are struggling to get a product or service out into the marketplace then these examples of it done right might inspire you.  A much better plan would also be to look at hiring a Marketing Strategy Consultant to ensure that you are on the right path to success. These marketing strategy consultants are available if you follow the link just provided.


Here are 2 examples of marketing Whilst they might not be relevant to your business plan and model now they certainly illustrate how well it can go.

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  1. We Can do it! While not selling a product as such this example from the 1940’s was incredibly successful and it shaped a generation of women. The image was of a dungaree wearing lady with her hair tied by in a spotted bandana. Rosie the Riveter was a USA Government backed image that prompted women to take up jobs for the war effort, which they duly did. Based on some of the Communist propaganda posters from the time Rosie was quite stern and masculine. After the war advertisers then spent huge amounts trying to get women back into the home as Rosie had shown that women could do a man’s industrial job just as well! They had inadvertently laid the foundations for feminism.

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  1. I want you! Another example is the use of “Uncle Sam” to encourage men of fighting age to enlist in the US Army for the First World War. It was a less threatening version of the one featuring a moustache General Kitchner demanding that young British men run into battle whilst he stayed behind in the French Chateau the general command had requisitioned as HQ.

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