Are you losing sales for not having a Mobile Store?
Recent research claims that, while users spend most of their time using their phones and tablets, advertisers are not focusing their efforts on mobile areas, so mobile marketers continue to ignore user behavior with their corresponding Detrimental effect on conversion ratios.
According to the Chief Marketer’s 2012 Mobile Marketing Survey, 73% of marketers are using their mobile web pages as a showcase for their products, but they do not offer any avenue to acquire such articles or services, as well as contact the company – in other Words, click-to-action buttons.
According to the study conducted by Google, 61% of people call the store in question after performing a search using their mobile device. However, only 29% of mobile websites offer a click-to-call service. Apparently, companies continue to treat mobile users as computer users who typically search and compare products. Mobile users do their research elsewhere and when they use their mobile devices it is because they are ready to buy.
That way, unless these companies optimize their websites for mobile searches and pay attention to user behavior, they will continue to lose sales. A good strategy of mobile marketing, click-to-action buttons and a good relationship with customers, listening to their needs and studying their customs, are fundamental to promote purchases through mobile devices as well as engagement with the user.
Here are some tips on how to target mobile searches to greater conversion:
- Learn to interpret mobile traffic to your website: Use Analytics and other monitoring tools to know who is visiting your website and what they are looking for.
- Get a website optimized for mobile devices: Users who have a bad experience with a mobile web usually do not visit again but a huge rebound rate to the web of a competitor. The ideal is to prioritize the content and have a mobile-friedly design that facilitates navigation, with large buttons and click-to-action easy to find.
- Manage a separate mobile advertising campaign: Exercise greater control and gain visibility by customizing your mobile ads.
- Think local: 40% of searches have a local character.
- Immediacy: 70% of smartphone users use their handset while they shop at the store, 82% make their reservations one day in advance and 58% of searches are made about 20 miles from the destination hotel.
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