7 Essential actions for any marketing campaign

7 Essential actions for any marketing campaign

Given the need to acquire new customers, retain current or increase the visibility of a brand (branding), a good marketing campaign is the solution to all these “obligations” as marketer. That’s right, you reach an optimal outcome will depend on three key factors:

– How it arises strategically campaign.

– Internal management of the same: company history, resources, budget, involvement, offer, branding…

– External management: customer need, market trends, geographical location…

Of these 3 factors we can extract these seven essential actions.

7 Essential actions for any marketing campaign7 Essential actions to any marketing campaign

This would be a “to-do list” before carrying out any marketing campaign because everything can fit into these 7 steps:

1- Define the objectives of the campaign: these goals should go in the same direction as the overall goals of the company. The objectives should be clear, measurable and achievable but ambitious:

– “Getting customers”, this is not an acceptable goal.

– “Get 50 customers of our premium service at a CPA (cost of acquisition) of 20 dollars in the next four weeks”, that is another thing

2- Define the target of the campaign: what are your potential customers? Age, family status, purchasing power, geographical location… It is advisable to have cleared what the relevant data. To make it even better, I invite you to dig deeper into the method “buyer person”, widely used in inbound marketing.

3- Commercial offer: To determine successful bid is still very valid the 4 P’s of traditional marketing:

– Product: Express the benefits of what really sell.

– Price: Is attractive to the customer?

– “Place”: Where you can buy the product or service?

– Promotion: An option is the marketing incentive.

4- Determine channels: nothing, nothing less than how you decided to reach your potential audience. It may be a more organic form (blog, social networking, SEO …) or PPC strategies as a Google AdWords campaign, advertising on social networks or web advertising banners on any interest.

5- Creative Design: once you have goals, supply channels and target must translate attractive way to opt to persuade your prospective customers. You need to have professionals accustomed to this kind of task to avoid falling into typical errors such as overload with texts, or use of colors for example. It seems simple but it is not.

6- Tastings: some tests that can be very useful are:

– Test A / B with two different creative’s.

– A test with more aggressive commercial offer.

– 2 Channel capture different potential users.

7- Performance Metrics: How will we know if it has succeeded if we do not measure anything? And it is not enough to count the number of sales and investment because you can be losing interesting facts:

– CPA: cost of acquiring a customer.

– Number of impacts to generate a potential customer.

– Number of sales per channel acquisition.

If you think, somehow or other, we must think of these 7 aspects related to the marketing campaign. A good combination of these will determine the success or failure of the campaign.

What are for you the most important actions to raise a marketing campaign?

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