The game and the business more and more united

The game and the business more and more united

Gamification may be a term unknown to many (approximately 34% of new technology professionals surveyed do not know it) but more and more people know that when talking about it, it refers to a marketing strategy consisting of introduce mechanisms of the game in environments outside the game. Something that can be achieved by applying gamification to sectors as diverse as education, HR, the banking sector or sports. This is demonstrated by the survey conducted by wonnova.

The world is already multi-screenRegardless of the taste for games, rewards, emotional or tangible, recognition of work well done or healthy competitiveness are factors that motivate any worker to reverse this in an added value in their daily work. This, in addition to the development of capabilities such as creativity or conflict resolution, is what allows gamification by introducing techniques of the game in environments not related to it, something that is within the reach of any company that knows how to approach communication properly .

Despite its usefulness, this strategy is coming to Spain quite slowly. 66.7% of those surveyed by wonnova know what gamification is; however, only 21.3% say that they have ever used such techniques in their company.

The area of human resources tops the list of ignorance of this technique; 80% of respondents in this area have never heard of gamification or its benefits to businesses. In the marketing department, however, the strategy is more well-known since only 25.5% ignore its existence. From this data, it can be deduced that this technique, extended in the United States, still has a long way to go in Spain in terms of its generalization in the world of marketing. Wonnova is one of the first companies to use gamification in a country where 24.1% of respondents have never heard of it.

Of all companies, of those with less than 50 employees, 25% say they have used some type of gamification technique. These types of companies and the continuous innovation that characterize them are often pioneers in the use of this strategy tool together with the startup and the large multinationals that are the most knowledgeable of gamification.

Taking into account the results obtained by the use of this technique, it is expected that in the next years in Spain its use will continue to be extended, since 21.3% of the companies surveyed have used it, valuing the results as good and excellent in 81.1 %. Of these, in addition, 87.4% plans to continue investing in gamification during the next year.

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